My soil report
What is soil?
After studying science for the last 4 weeks, we decided to research soil. We are learning to write a report.
Soil is a mixture of sand, loam clay that help plants grow.
Nutrients in the soil come from dead organic materials such as dead bugs, dead leaves, roots and twigs. Plants suck up nutrients from the soil.
Did you know that soil is the top layer of our earth?
Soil is food for plants. There are three different kinds of soil called loam, clay and sand.Soil gets muddy when it gets very wet.Clay soil holds water but not air. Loam soil holds just the right amount of air and water that helps plant grow. Sand is a soil we play with at the beach.
Why is soil important?
Soil helps plants grow from seeds. Soil has nutrients to help plants grow. Soil helps trees to grow. Soil keeps our trees straight. Without soil nothing will grow on earth.
Is soil a habitat?
Soil is a habitat for many species of insects and other invertbrates.Soil is a habitat for plants because they grow in the soil. Earthworms live in the soil to keep the plants company. Other invertebrates live in the soil such as beetles and ants. Moles and rabbits also live in the soil but they are not invertebrates.They are called vertebrates. Vertebrates are animals that have a back- bone.
How have people affected soil?
People have affected soil by cutting down the trees. When it rains, the soil washes down to the rivers and the lakes. Our native fish and plants live in the rivers and the lakes. When the water gets polluted by the soil, then our native plants and fish die.That is how people affected the soil.
By Sifila Hafoka