
Thursday, 3 May 2012

My name story

 This is a photo of Queen Sophia of Spain wearing a diamond tiara.

Hi my name is Sifila H.
I am going to talk about my name.

My name was chosen by my grand father. He named me after his older sister. My name goes like this Sifila Tuipulotu H. When I was young I did not like my name but I did not know I was named after my grand father's sister.

My name means Sophia. My Tongan name is Sifila and my English name is Sophia. Sophia is the capital of Bulgaria and is also the name of a queen.I am very proud of my name now. Sophia means wisdom and wisdom means cleverness.That's why I love my name.      


Jay said...

I think your name really suits you Sifila. You have done a good job of finding out information about your name.

Anonymous said...

Wow!Sifila your name is a really cool name and i whish i was named after a queen.

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